Tag Archives: yahoo pipes

Keyword CSV Files and Searching: 2 Minute Yahoo Pipes Demo

It’s been a while since I’ve posted a 2 minute Yahoo Pipes video, but I had an opportunity to do a guest post on the Yahoo Developer Network blog (yay!), and I thought that a 2 minute screencast would be the best way to demonstrate my pipe.

This 2 minute demo takes a series of keywords from a CSV file and uses Yahoo Pipes to run each keyword through various searches. This technique can be very powerful when you search multiple services, but I’ve simplified the process to make it easier to understand the fundamentals of the technique by running the list of keywords only through Twitter search.

Here’s a quote about the technical details of the pipe from the Yahoo Developer Network post:

Technical Details and More Information:

  • The Demo Pipe. A copy of the Keyword CSV demo pipe – click “View Source” to see the modules.
  • Fetch CSV Module. Enter the URL of the CSV file (make sure that it already exists in a publicly accessible location) along with information about column names and separation characters as needed.
  • Loop module with URL Builder. Loops through each element in the CSV file and builds a search URL formatted for RSS output. In this case, we used Twitter search.
  • Loop module with Fetch Feed. Loops through each URL built in the previous step and fetches the feed associated with the item.
  • Sort Module. Sort by date in descending order to make sure things are sorted in a logical manner.
  • Pipe Output. The final module in every Yahoo Pipe.

I’ve created many Yahoo Pipes, and most of them have been published on my Yahoo Pipes and RSS Hacks page where you can also learn more about my Yahoo Pipes Training course on May 7th.

Related Fast Wonder Blog posts

Get a Discount on My Introduction to Yahoo Pipes Class

With only a week left, there are still seats available in my Introduction to Yahoo Pipes class on May 7th. If I was selling mattresses or cars, I would probably have some kind of giant clearance sale to get rid of the excess inventory, right? Why should my Yahoo Pipes class be any different? OK, OK, I promise to be less annoying about it.

Here’s the deal, register now with the discount code ‘bigsale’ to get 30% off the regular price. In other words, you can get in for $70 (student, freelancer, or not currently employed) or for $105 for the corporate types if you meet the early bird deadline of May 5th!

The Details:
When: Thursday, May 7, 2009 from 3:00pm – 5:00pm
City: Portland, OR
Location: WebTrends 851 SW 6th Ave., Suite 1600 (no remote attendance)
Learn more: Prerequisites, Course Outline and Information

Register for the course

Yahoo Pipes Training Class May 7th in Portland

I am holding my first Introduction to Yahoo Pipes training course on May 7th. This Yahoo Pipes training course is designed for people who are new to Yahoo Pipes. In 2 hours, we will cover the basics of building Yahoo Pipes from building your first Yahoo Pipe to some more advanced uses.

When: Thursday, May 7, 2009 from 3:00pm – 5:00pm
City: Portland, OR
Location: WebTrends 851 SW 6th Ave., Suite 1600 (no remote attendance)
Learn more: Prerequisites, Course Outline and Information

Register for the course


  • Students, freelancers, or unemployed: $100
  • Early Bird (prior to April 23rd): $150
  • Late registration (after April 23rd): $250


  • You must have a Yahoo Pipes account.
  • No prior knowledge of Yahoo Pipes is required

Why you need this course to learn about Yahoo Pipes
This course will teach you how using Yahoo Pipes can help you understand what people are saying about you, your industry, your competitors and more through smart filtering of blogs, news sources, Twitter, and other online sites. Your customers are talking about you and your competitors are revealing information that you want to know online. Can you find it quickly and efficiently now?

  • Become more responsive to your customers by knowing when and where people are talking about your company and products on blogs and Twitter. Find and respond more quickly and efficiently.
  • Use what people are saying about your company and your products to improve your products / services, marketing messages, web content, documentation and other communications.
  • Get insight into your competitors.
  • Keep up with important information about your industry by focusing on keyword filtering to find the most relevant content for your situation.
  • Use the information to get ideas for blog posts or other communication.
  • Tailor your online research to your specific needs and interest areas.

Learn more: Prerequisites, Course Outline and Information

If you can’t attend this course or want to be notified about future Fast Wonder training, you can subscribe to my training notifications.

Register for the course

Social Media Training

I wanted to share a quick presentation that I used to train a client on general social media sites including Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Monitoring / Yahoo Pipes, FriendFeed and more. I’ve embedded the presentation and included a set of links that were part of the demos provided throughout the presentation.


The demo links for this presentation can be found on Agglom.

Contact me if you would like to have me train your company on online communities or social media.

Related Fast Wonder blog posts:

Accepting Google Docs Input: 2 Minute Yahoo Pipes Demo

This video shows how to use data from Google Docs as an input into Yahoo Pipes. In a previous video, I showed how to use a list of items in a CSV file. If you haven’t already watched the CSV input demo, you should start with it, since this pipe builds on the previous one. A CSV file is a great choice when you want to fetch a bunch of feeds and change them frequently without having to update your pipe, but a Google Doc is a great choice for when you want to easily update inputs to the pipe without needing to update a file on a webserver.

More Details

  • The Demo Pipe. A copy of the Using Google Docs Inputs in Yahoo Pipes Demo click “View Source” to see the modules.
  • Fetch CSV Module. Enter the URL of a Google Spreadsheet that has already been published as a web page and append &output=csv to the end of the URL. Here is the example we used in the video.
  • Loop module with Fetch Feed. Loops through each element in the CSV file and fetches the feed associated with the item.
  • Filter Module. Filter by a couple of keywords.
  • Sort Module. Sort by date in descending order to make sure things are sorted in a logical manner.
  • Pipe Output. The final module in every Yahoo Pipe.

I’ve created many Yahoo Pipes, and most of them have been published on my Yahoo Pipes and RSS Hacks page where you can also learn more about my Yahoo Pipes Training courses.

Related Fast Wonder Blog posts

YQL (Yahoo Query Language): 2 Minute Yahoo Pipes Video Demo

After learning that Yahoo Pipes introduced a new module called YQL (Yahoo Query Language) last week, I knew that I had to find a way to work it into one of my 2 minute videos. YQL uses an SQL-like syntax for more powerful and flexible inputs into Yahoo Pipes; however, working it into a 2 minute demo was quite challenging, since queries can be complicated. I cheated a little by glossing over the query language and focusing on how to use YQL effectively within Pipes. Honestly, I’m never going to teach someone to use an SQL syntax without extensive training, so this 2 minute demo is really geared toward people with database experience or programming backgrounds. I also did a more complicated version of this pipe with a more extensive explanation that you might be interested in reading to get more details about using YQL within Pipes.

More Details

  • The Demo Pipe. A copy of the YQL: 2 Minute Yahoo Pipes Demo pipe click “View Source” to see the modules.
  • YQL. The query:
    select * from flickr.photos.info(20) where photo_id in (select id from flickr.photos.search(20) where tags = “igniteportland”).
    Selects 20 photos from Flickr with the tag “igniteportland”. flickr.photos.search is used to find the images, but it doesn’t provide much information about the images, so I ran it through flickr.photos.info to pull in more data. If you omit the (20), YQL returns 10 results by default, and you can set this number to something appropriate for your needs.
  • Rename. Maps item.urls.url.content into the more standard item.link, which is recognized by RSS readers and the Yahoo Pipes output for clickable links back to the original content.
  • Pipe Output. The final module in every Yahoo Pipe.

I’ve created many Yahoo Pipes, and most of them have been published on my Yahoo Pipes and RSS Hacks page where you can also learn more about my Yahoo Pipes Training courses.

Related Fast Wonder Blog posts

Find Flickr Comments by Tag Using YQL in Yahoo Pipes

This week, Yahoo Pipes introduced a new module called YQL (Yahoo Query Language) allowing more powerful and flexible inputs into Yahoo Pipes using a SQL-like syntax.

The Flickr Comments by Tag pipe uses the new YQL module to look for any photos matching a certain tag that also have comments. In this pipe, I’m using the YQL module to pull some data out of Flickr that was not previously available in Flickr rss feeds or using the Flickr module in Yahoo Pipes. However, the data is available in the API and can be easily accessed via Yahoo Pipes using the new YQL module. I’ve also made the pipe configurable by prompting for user input, which allows other people to easily use the pipe whether or not they understand YQL.


  1. Go to the Flickr Comments by Tag pipe.
  2. Enter a tag and click “run pipe”
  3. Grab the RSS feed output

The Technical Details on Using YQL in Yahoo Pipes

Caveat. The use of this module is better suited for developers, instead of casual users of Yahoo Pipes. If you’ve never done any command line database manipulation or programming, I suspect that there will be a steep learning curve associated with using the YQL module.

YQL Query. The query I’m using is a variation of the one below, but with the query built using the String Builder module, which includes a user input as part of the string. If you aren’t familiar with user inputs in Yahoo Pipes, you might want to watch the User Input: 2 Minute Yahoo Pipes Video Demo.

select * from flickr.photos.info(200) where photo_id in (select id from flickr.photos.search(200) where tags = “userinput”)

Basically, this query says that it is finding all photos where the tag matches the userinput string. By default, YQL returns only 10 items from a table, which is not sufficient for most uses within Yahoo Pipes, so I added a parameter to get 200 items. You need to change this parameter for each table you are using in the query. I also noticed that I was experiencing intermittent issues with pipe when I used a value over 200, so you will need to be careful when setting this parameter.

Filter. After the YQL module, I ran the output through a standard Filter module permitting only the items that matched: item.comments > 0.

Loop (feed modification). For those of you familiar with my Yahoo Pipes style, you know that I frequently use the loop module to modify the title of each item in the feed to include more information. In this case, I wanted to know the number of comments at a glance without having to click each item to get the numbers. This step is optional.

Rename. For some reason, the URL coming out of the flickr data is not automatically stored in item.link. The Yahoo Pipes output and RSS readers expect a feed to have the source url of the image stored in item.link, so you will need to manually rename item.urls.url.content to link using the Rename module. Without this step, you cannot click on any of the images to see the text of the comments.

Flickr Comments by Tag Using YQL in Yahoo Pipes

You’ll probably want to look at the source of the Flickr Comments by Tag pipe for more details.

The full YQL documentation is available on the Yahoo Developer Network. There also include several data sets available by default in YQL including Flickr, Upcoming, MyBlogLog, Yahoo Social, weather, geo / location, and more along with other standard data formats (JSON, RSS, XML, etc.)

Related Fast Wonder Blog posts

Filter By Date: A 2 Minute Yahoo Pipes Demo

This 2 minute Yahoo Pipes demos shows how to filter by date using the filter module combined with the date builder module to find all of the posts in the past 2 days from our feeds. If you haven’t already watched the 2 Minute Yahoo Pipes Introductory Demo, I strongly suggest that you watch it. This demo builds on the basic structure developed in the introductory demo with the same feeds from ReadWriteWeb and GigaOM that we used in the original demo.

More Details

  • The Demo Pipe. A copy of the Filter By Date Pipe click “View Source” to see the modules.
  • Fetch Feed. Fetches the elements from 2 feeds: ReadWriteWeb and GigaOM.
  • Date Builder Module. Defines the date parameters for filters. In this case, I’ve filtered on ‘2 days ago’
  • Filter Module. Filter by blocking any item where date (item.y:published.utime) is greater than 2 days ago.
  • Sort Module. Sort by date in descending order to make sure things are sorted in a logical manner.
  • Pipe Output. The final module in every Yahoo Pipe.

I’ve created many Yahoo Pipes, and most of them have been published on my Yahoo Pipes and RSS Hacks page where you can also learn more about my Yahoo Pipes Training courses.

Related Fast Wonder Blog posts

Jan. 28th in Corvallis: Community Management & Yahoo Pipes

I wanted to let people know that I will be in Corvallis, Oregon on Wednesday to present at 2 different events. I might also try to arrive earlier in the day, so let me know if you want to meet with me while I am in town.

Online Community Manager: Yes, It’s Really A Job
Wednesday January 28, 2009 from 4:00pm – 5:00pm
Kerney 112, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon
More details on Upcoming

Online community managers are being hired in more and more companies and organizations. In this presentation, I will talk about how communities are managed and why companies need community management. I’ll also provide some specific job requirements and skills that community managers need in order to be successful.

Corvallis Beer and Blog with Yahoo Pipes

Wednesday January 28, 2009 from 5:00pm – 7:30pm
Cloud 9 Restaurant and Bar
126 Sw First Street, Corvallis, Oregon
More Details on Upcoming

I will be there to talk about Yahoo Pipes and other things related to online communities and social media. Mainly, it is an excuse to hang out at another successful Beer and Blog!

A big thank you to Lance Albertson and Tim Budd for coordinating all of this!

Pipes within Pipes: A 2 Minute Yahoo Pipes Video Demo

We’ve talked about many different uses for Yahoo Pipes in previous 2 minute Yahoo Pipes demos, but you can also use most existing Yahoo Pipes within other pipes. In this demo, we’ll use a couple of pipes I’ve previously created as the input into a new Yahoo Pipe, and we’ll introduce the union operator as a way to pull several inputs together.

More Details

  • The Demo Pipe. A copy of the Pipes within Pipes demo pipe click “View Source” to see the modules.
  • Union Module. Pull several inputs together into a single output.
  • Unique Module. Use this to prevent duplicate results when multiple search queries might return the same results by filtering on item.link.
  • Sort Module. Sort by date in descending order to make sure things are sorted in a logical manner.
  • Pipe Output. The final module in every Yahoo Pipe.

I’ve created many Yahoo Pipes, and most of them have been published on my Yahoo Pipes and RSS Hacks page where you can also learn more about my Yahoo Pipes Training courses.

Related Fast Wonder Blog posts