This 2 minute Yahoo Pipes demos shows how to filter by date using the filter module combined with the date builder module to find all of the posts in the past 2 days from our feeds. If you haven’t already watched the 2 Minute Yahoo Pipes Introductory Demo, I strongly suggest that you watch it. This demo builds on the basic structure developed in the introductory demo with the same feeds from ReadWriteWeb and GigaOM that we used in the original demo.
More Details
- The Demo Pipe. A copy of the Filter By Date Pipe click “View Source” to see the modules.
- Fetch Feed. Fetches the elements from 2 feeds: ReadWriteWeb and GigaOM.
- Date Builder Module. Defines the date parameters for filters. In this case, I’ve filtered on ‘2 days ago’
- Filter Module. Filter by blocking any item where date (item.y:published.utime) is greater than 2 days ago.
- Sort Module. Sort by date in descending order to make sure things are sorted in a logical manner.
- Pipe Output. The final module in every Yahoo Pipe.
I’ve created many Yahoo Pipes, and most of them have been published on my Yahoo Pipes and RSS Hacks page where you can also learn more about my Yahoo Pipes Training courses.
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