Tag Archives: portland

Yahoo Pipes Training Class May 7th in Portland

I am holding my first Introduction to Yahoo Pipes training course on May 7th. This Yahoo Pipes training course is designed for people who are new to Yahoo Pipes. In 2 hours, we will cover the basics of building Yahoo Pipes from building your first Yahoo Pipe to some more advanced uses.

When: Thursday, May 7, 2009 from 3:00pm – 5:00pm
City: Portland, OR
Location: WebTrends 851 SW 6th Ave., Suite 1600 (no remote attendance)
Learn more: Prerequisites, Course Outline and Information

Register for the course


  • Students, freelancers, or unemployed: $100
  • Early Bird (prior to April 23rd): $150
  • Late registration (after April 23rd): $250


  • You must have a Yahoo Pipes account.
  • No prior knowledge of Yahoo Pipes is required

Why you need this course to learn about Yahoo Pipes
This course will teach you how using Yahoo Pipes can help you understand what people are saying about you, your industry, your competitors and more through smart filtering of blogs, news sources, Twitter, and other online sites. Your customers are talking about you and your competitors are revealing information that you want to know online. Can you find it quickly and efficiently now?

  • Become more responsive to your customers by knowing when and where people are talking about your company and products on blogs and Twitter. Find and respond more quickly and efficiently.
  • Use what people are saying about your company and your products to improve your products / services, marketing messages, web content, documentation and other communications.
  • Get insight into your competitors.
  • Keep up with important information about your industry by focusing on keyword filtering to find the most relevant content for your situation.
  • Use the information to get ideas for blog posts or other communication.
  • Tailor your online research to your specific needs and interest areas.

Learn more: Prerequisites, Course Outline and Information

If you can’t attend this course or want to be notified about future Fast Wonder training, you can subscribe to my training notifications.

Register for the course

Strange Love Live and Shizzow

The entire Shizzow team, including yours truly, will be lounging on the Strange Love Live couch for the podcast this Friday evening (March 6th) around 10pm. We will be talking about some new happenings on Shizzow with a focus on our plans for attending SXSW and how you can use Shizzow to find the best parties and sessions as well as getting together for meals with friends. We’ll also be giving some general tips for attending SXSW for any newbies in the audience.

I encourage you to tune into the live video stream and chat room at 10pm on Friday, but don’t worry, you can download the audio podcast later if you miss the live version.

We’ll also be at Beer and Blog prior to the Strange Love Live appearance for more talk about SXSW.

Win a SXSW Badge Upgrade at the PDX Pre-SXSW Party

Good news for those of you coming to the PDX Pre-SXSW Party Part Two: The Unofficial Version!

I talked to Hugh Forrest at sxsw, and he has offered a free upgrade from an Interactive badge to a Gold badge for one lucky winner! Basically, this means that you get to attend the film tracks and screenings in addition to the interactive program.

Here’s how you can win:

  • You must have already purchased a sxsw interactive badge.
  • You must attend the PDX Pre-SXSW Party Part Two: The Unofficial Version this Friday (details below).
  • You must put your business card or piece of paper into the hat (or bucket or whatever container I can find).
  • You must be there when we draw the random name at 6pm.
  • There can be only one (winner).
  • I’ll put the winner in touch with Hugh Forrest to receive the upgrade.

If you missed my earlier post about the party, here’s what you need to know:

Since this is a community organized event, you’ll be buying your own drinks, but it will be just as fun! We’ll be pairing up with Portland Beer and Blog for this event, and it will be a great opportunity to chat with others about sxsw. We can find out who else is going and talk about ways to stay in touch at the event. If you are new to sxsw, you can get some tips from the experienced attendees.

Quite a few of us are planning to use Shizzow to keep in touch at the event to find the best sessions and the best parties. We even have a few things specific to sxsw that we plan to roll out prior to the event. If you want an invite to Shizzow, you can ping the community evangelist for Shizzow (me) by emailing me at the email address right there in the sidebar of this blog.

The Details:
Friday March 6, 2009 from 4:00pm – 7:00pm
Green Dragon Bistro & Brewpub
928 SE 9th Ave, Portland, Oregon 97214
RSVP on Upcoming

PDX Pre-SXSW Party Part Two: The Unofficial Version

We had a great pre-sxsw party here in Portland on January 19 organized by the official staff of the sxsw interactive event. We had such a great time, that we decided to do a community organized, unofficial party exactly one week before the big event in Austin. Since this is a community organized event, you’ll be buying your own drinks, but it will be just as fun! We’ll be pairing up with Portland Beer and Blog for this event, and it will be a great opportunity to chat with others about sxsw. We can find out who else is going and talk about ways to stay in touch at the event. If you are new to sxsw, you can get some tips from the experienced attendees.

Quite a few of us are planning to use Shizzow to keep in touch at the event to find the best sessions and the best parties. We even have a few things specific to sxsw that we plan to roll out prior to the event. If you want an invite to Shizzow, you can ping the community evangelist for Shizzow (me) by emailing me at the email address right there in the sidebar of this blog.

The Details:
Friday March 6, 2009 from 4:00pm – 7:00pm
Green Dragon Bistro & Brewpub
928 SE 9th Ave, Portland, Oregon 97214
RSVP on Upcoming

Business Leader NW Supporting Non-Profits

Are you on the fence about attending Business Leader NW here at the Oregon Convention Center on February 25th & 26th?

Here are a few things that might entice you.

$25 of your entry fee goes to a non-profit (if you use a discount code below):

  • SHS199: School House Supplies. A Portland nonprofit that provides free school supplies for teachers.
  • OFB199: Oregon Food Bank. Distributes food to regional food banks across Oregon and SW Washington.
  • CFF199: Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Provides funding for research to fight cystic fibrosis.

More details and links to registration on the BLNW blog.

Ask us questions in the BLNW Blogger Pavilion

From the BLNW blog:

The organizers are providing a 400 square foot space for a “Business Blogger Pavilion,” on the exhibit floor at the Oregon Convention Center. The pavilion will serve as a workshop for business people to meet with bloggers, web developers, technologists and a host of digital media and enterprise 2.0 experts. The goal is to connect the business community with bloggers and web experts. Bloggers will be featured in discussions at the pavilion on topics such as starting a business blog, marketing a business video and customer service 2.0.

I will be in the blogger pavilion, so please feel free to stop by and visit or ask us questions! I hope to see you there.

Related Fast Wonder Blog posts:

SXSW Interactive Portland Meetup on January 19th

Are you planning to attend SXSW Interactive or considering attending?

I was just talking to Hugh Forrest, SXSW Interactive Event Director, and he told me that they are organizing a meetup here in Portland on January 19th. I can say without hesitation that SXSW is my favorite event (outside of Portland). It is also affectionately known as spring break for geeks due to the large number of parties every evening, and the sessions never start before 10am to accommodate our late night partying.  The Austin BarCamp also runs in parallel to SXSW at a nearby location, so many of us hit BarCamp along with the main event. In other words, it’s a great event. You should join us at the meetup if you want to learn more:

January 19
6–8 p.m.
Fez Ballroom: 316 SW 11th

Here’s the catch: If you want to attend, you must RSVP to interpress@sxsw.com. Please be sure to put Portland in the subject line of the email (they are doing a few of these in various cities).

This will give you an opportunity to learn more about SXSW from the people who organize it.  If you’ve never attended or were on the fence about attending, it’s a great opportunity to learn more. For those of us who already love SXSW, it gives us an opportunity to get to know some other Portland people who plan to attend.

On another note, a few of us plan to use Shizzow to keep up with each other at the event and find the best sessions, parties, lunches, etc. If you don’t already have an invite and would like one, please let me know in the comments, and I’ll hook you up with one.

Tons of Portland people attend SXSW, and I strongly encourage you to think about going. It’s in Austin (the cool part of Texas), really smart people attend, there are great parties, and the sessions are amazing.

Portland Data Plumbing User Group: Discuss RSS, Yahoo Pipes, and More!

I’ve decided to resurrect the Portland Data Plumbing Group to give us a time and place to talk about RSS feed hacking, Yahoo Pipes, Dapper, and other related technologies.

We’ll be having these meetings on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 6pm (location TBD). The first meeting will be on:
Tuesday, January 13th
6:00pm – 7:30pm
Location TBD
Please RSVP on Upcoming if you plan to attend.

The agenda for the first meeting:

  • Intros
  • Round table discussion: each person gets 3-5 min to talk about the coolest thing they’ve done to manipulate an RSS feed.
  • Talk about ideas for future agendas.

If you want to be notified of future meetings, you should subscribe to the Portland Data Plumbing Google Group. A huge thanks to Justin for starting this group and for encouraging me to schedule a new meeting!

Related Fast Wonder Blog posts

The Great Portland Interview Experiment: Lawduck Edition

I had the pleasure of interviewing J-P Voilleque aka @lawduck for the Great Portland Interview Experiment. In this version, I asked the questions, and JPV provided the answers. I was also interviewed for this experiment by Grant Kruger if you are interested.

The Lawduck Interview

Dawn: What is one thing about you that most of us don’t already know?

JPV: I’m an out of practice, but still quite decent, juggler. At one point I could juggle five balls – nowadays I’m lucky to get enough practice to be proficient with three. I also do a fair amount of balancing weird things on toe/finger/chin. Circus arts rule. JuggleCamp ’09 is now my dearest wish.

Dawn: I see you at quite a few tech events around town, which is a little unusual for Lawyer-types. What is it about the Portland tech scene or technology in general that has you so involved in the technology scene?

JPV: By pure dumb luck I stumbled across Twitter, the Silicon Florist blog, and the inaugural Ignite Portland call for talk submissions all at once. I had left my job in litigation (because being a traditional attorney sucks) and was looking for new stuff to do. And I had a bee in my bonnet about law firm data management practices (still do), so I submitted that idea as an Ignite talk. Didn’t make it but attended the event and had an amazing evening.

That combination of convivial spirit mixed with deep geekiness was pretty much it for me. I love the energy, the entrepreneurship, and the open spirit of this group of people. Also, now that I’m doing web shenanigans and product development for EASCI, I have tangible reasons to hang out with people who are smarter than me.

Dawn: I saw this tweet from you on 11/13: “Torn between being happy that I was there to witness the 10,000th shout (@neophiliac) and being pissed that I didn’t shout before him.” How do you really feel about being a witness to the 10,000th shout on Shizzow?

JPV: That pretty much sums it up. 🙂 I think it’s great that Shizzow is gaining that kind of traction. Kurt and I both expected someone to show up with flowers and biscuits, though. So I guess you could add “irritated that I didn’t get a free biscuit for being near @neophiliac at the time.”

Alex H Williams and I were discussing today the awesomeness that is geolocation, and I also recently told Marshall K that we all need to be leveraging Shizzow, IceCondor, whatever, to urban letterbox and/or ARG-ify Portland haunts. Because hot damn, that would be nifty.

Dawn: I hear that you are doing Nanowrimo this year. How is the novel coming along, and what can you tell us about it?

JPV: Nanowrimo ate lots of turkey and went to bed at about 43,000 words. The book, however, is totally going to get completed as I have time over the next few months. It was intensely liberating to realize that I could get that much production out of the time I was already awake. It killed my efforts to complete Etrian Odyssey II on the Nintendo DS, but I consider writing a freaking book to be a fair trade-off. I expect it’ll take about 80K words to get to the end of the story, so next year I might need to pick a slightly less involved storyline.

The book is about a first year law student who goes to work for a solo practitioner, only to discover that he is actually a lawyer for mythical creatures, largely within the jurisdiction of Faerie. It’s a bit Harvey Birdman, a bit Terry Pratchett, and a bunch of other stuff. N.B. – the plural noun for “dragons” is “a rage.”

Dawn: If you could be any kitchen appliance, which one would you be and why?

JPV: The Braun Multimix is the single most profoundly useful kitchen gadget in the universe. It has a small (mini-prep sized) food processer attachment, an immersion blender, dough screws, and regular old mixer beaters. I like it because it can do a lot of stuff reasonably well, but still fit into a small space. Because I like to style myself as something of a jack of all trades, I think I’d take the Multimix.

Dawn: In early October, you mentioned that you were going to make the move to WordPress at the urging of @camikaos, but I’m still seeing a Blogger blog. Have you made any progress and are there any hurdles that our blog readers could help you get through?

JPV: I stalled long enough on these questions that this is no longer a problem 🙂 http://voilleque.com is up and running on WP, although now that it’s installed I’ve yet to tinker with all the gobsmackingly awesome stuff that can be added in. I really like the agregado theme, though – it’s one of Smashing Magazine’s free themes and is optimized to incorporate microformat and other social media updates (flickr, goodreads, all the usual suspects) in a lifestreaming sidebar.

Dawn: Can you tell us more about the breakfast tweetups? I would also like to selfishly know when you plan to bring the Tweetup to the Cup & Saucer on Hawthorne (hint, hint).

The breakfast tweetups are the brainchild of Don Park, Amber Case, Bram Pitoyo, and others, and I barged my way in and formalized things because I love me some breakfast. It is my absolute favorite meal. The current plan is to hold them twice a month, alternating sides of the river. The breakfast survey got some great recommendations for restaurants, as well as a lot of good feedback on what people wanted out of a breakfast tweetup. Basically, we the people want loose, enjoyable, egg-filled mornings. The conversations thus far have been really cool and intriguing.

Cup and Saucer is definitely on the list. The thing about breakfast places is that they are rare and sacred jewels in the landscape of restaurants. Ostensibly good ones (I’m looking at you, bijou) usually have nothing on the neighborhood secrets like Cup and Saucer, or (before they stopped serving breakfast) the Leaky Roof. In San Francisco there’s this place in SoMa called Town’s End Restaurant and Bakery. They have the best scones on the planet, and amazing other stuff. If I had one chance to visit a restaurant in San Francisco, it would be there. Not J’ardiniere or Fifth Floor or Gary Danko or any of the new ones that have undoubtedly sprung up, not Chapeau or Firecracker or Slanted Door or any of the other amazing niche cuisine places. Town’s End. And then I’d barge into LookSmart and ask them what the hell happened to my Weapons Proliferation categories.

Dawn: What is it about coconut milk that makes it so good for soup?

JPV: That was actually my first stab at coconut milk, for a spicy curry broth with poached fish and all kinds of good stuff. The coconut milk made a great, rich contrast to the heat of the soup, and also helped mitigate the fishiness of some of the other stock ingredients. Clam juice is great and all, but requires supervision. Coconut milk fits the bill.

I recently learned that water from young coconuts (I guess it’s not officially milk until the coconut is ripe?) kicks the crap out of gatorade and other hydration technologies. It certainly tastes great. An ideal mixer for something mojito-esque. Will publish results.

Dawn: What are your all time favorite books?

JPV: Oh, snap. This is an unfair question at the best of times, but I’ve recently been reading some amazing works, so it’s just that extra bit harder to answer. In no particular order, things that come to mind:

The Baroque Cycle by Neal Stephenson
Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell
Harmonium by Wallace Stevens
The Limehouse Text by Will Thomas
Going Postal by Terry Pratchett
Tribes by Seth Godin
The Chet Gecko, Private Eye series (children’s books, reading w/ Claire)
The Zurich 1953 International Tournament by David Bronstein (chess)
The Gormenghast Trilogy by Mervyn Peake

Generally, authors I will always read include:

Neil Gaiman, Simon Green, Jim Butcher, China Miéville, Kage Baker, Laurie R. King, Neal Stephenson, Jeff Vandermeer, Michael Hoeye (local!), Tom Robbins, Will Thomas, probably others I’m forgetting

Malcolm Gladwell, Henry Giroux, Cornell West, bell hooks, Paul Ricouer, Delmore Schwarz, Helen Vendler, Marcus Buckingham, Jamie Oliver, anything from former U of O debate team members, and probably another metric ton of people I’m forgetting

Dawn: Let’s end with a few fun facts about @lawduck. What makes you a fun guy to hang out with, and not just another stuffy lawyer dude?

JPV: For starters, I think the practice of law is a racket and that firms need to be pushed off the cliff. Law school needs to be cut down to two years with a subsequent “third year” of practicum in public service positions or in partnership with firms willing to commit to mentorship and high standards of work assigned to apprentices. No one should ever be allowed to challenge a bar, and we need to attract more policy wonks into western mid-range schools so that we actually have state senators and representatives that know what the heck they’re talking about. None of these are fun facts, but they do effectively eliminate “stuffy lawyer dude.”

Others: I play guitar and (to a lesser extent) drums, ukulele and harmonica. I have strong opinions about practically everything but tend to mock myself for having them. I designed a t-shirt that made Amber Case simultaneously laugh and recoil in terror. Extreme Arts and Sciences does awesome and cool things and I’m increasingly getting to play mad scientist, so hanging out with me could generate interesting interactivity moments. I absolutely love tabletop gaming of all types. I *think* I know the difference between seeking the funny and trying to be funny.

It’s not too late for you to participate in the Great Portland Interview Project!

The Great Portland Interview Project: Dawn Foster Edition

I’m participating in the Great Portland Interview Project, and I was recently interviewed by Grant Kruger. According to the rules of the project, I’m posting the results of the interview here for your reading pleasure. Grant even slipped in a few extra questions, including an obscure question about Sausage the goat. The questions came from Grant, but the answers are mine.

  1. Tell us the short version of who you are and what you are up to.
  2. I am a Consultant, Community Manager, Event Organizer, Blogger, Podcaster, Vegan, and Technology Enthusiast. I help companies build online communities and social media strategies through Fast Wonder Consulting. I am also the community manager for a small, bootstrapped startup called Shizzow, which is a social service that we built with the goal of making it as easy as possible to find and hang out with your friends in the real world. I am also the co-founder and chair of Legion of Tech, which holds free events in Portland for the technology community. I spend a fair amount of time blogging on Fast Wonder, Shizzow, various Legion of Tech blogs, and occasionally elsewhere. The first venture (Fast Wonder Consulting) is how I earn my living, while the other pursuits are things I do for fun because I am passionate about the Portland technology community and love to do what I can to make Portland a better place for technology enthusiasts.

  3. First time I met you you were part of the team running BarCamp and you volunteer elsewhere. Volunteers get paid in two ways, ego and thanks. Have you been paid? (more than a yes or no answer).
  4. The first event that I ever organized in Portland was a Monthly BarCampMeetup event. It came out of the desire to get together with a group of cool people doing interesting things with technology in a very informal setting. I couldn’t find anything quite right when looking at the existing Portland events, so I decided to organize a new event. The other events that followed came out of similar desires for something that didn’t already exist in Portland (BarCamp, Ignite Portland, etc.) Basically we organized events that we wanted to attend. We eventually formed Legion of Tech to have an organization to manage the logistics and sponsorship dollars for the events.

    My “payment” is that we now have some very cool events that I love to attend, and I’ve met amazing people and formed friendships that I never would have formed otherwise. I learn so much from these people at every event and every gathering. These friendships and knowledge are my payment in exchange for organizing and volunteering at events.

  5. Are you an Open Source evangelist, or a pragmatic Open Source lover?
  6. Can I be a pragmatic open source evangelist? I am a firm believer in using the right tool for the job and finding the solution that works best for you and for your situation. The evangelism part comes into play when I try to make sure that people at least consider the open source alternatives. I also try to get people to look at open source applications, not as cheap knock-offs of proprietary apps, but as great applications with their own merits and strengths. Firefox, for example, has innovated way ahead of Internet Explorer and other browsers, and OpenOffice has some great features that I prefer over Microsoft Office. People won’t always select the open source alternative, and I don’t always select an open source product. However, I try to use an open source solution wherever possible.

  7. What about the PDX tech community do you love most?
  8. I love the openness. The Portland tech community as a whole is very accessible, and it is easy for new people to get involved in the Portland tech community. We try to make people feel welcome and included.

  9. What about the PDX tech community do you think needs the most improvement?
  10. I would love to see the tech community be more unified and less fragmented. We get an amazing crowd of freelancers, independents, and really interesting people at the Legion of Tech events and other less formal events around town. However, we also have some other great groups of people who attend the SAO and OEN events, but we don’t see enough overlap and integration of the two audiences. I would love to see more people who normally attend SAO and OEN events coming out to the informal events, and I would like to see more events being held by the SAO and OEN that attracted a broader audience of independents and freelancers. We’re starting to do this with the ThrivePDX events, but we have a long way before we accomplish this integration.

  11. The Open Source Bridge project is well underway, but remains a fairly modest proposal. What do you think we are capable of here in PDX and what can we realistically attain within the next five years or so?
  12. Events in Portland tend to exceed our modest expectations for them. I remember thinking that if we could get 75 people at the first BarCampPortland, we would have a successful event: the final count was ~250. For the first Ignite, we thought we would have 150 people: we filled the W+K atrium with 300 people. We’ve had Ignite Portland events with over 750 people. It seems to be easier to plan small and expand as needed if the demand grows. I like the modest start to the Open Source Bridge event, and I think that in a couple of years, we could end up with something amazing that brings people into Portland from around the world with attendance in the thousands.

  13. I see you enjoy reading SF&F. Have you ever been to OryCon, a local SF&F convention with 1,500 to 2,000 attendees, run entirely by volunteers. Or one like it. If yes, what was it like, and if no, why not?
  14. I’ve been on a science fiction kick lately, but I tend to read in phases. I even spent a couple of years where I read business and technology books, but little to no fiction at all. I love science fiction, and I am a huge Star Trek fan, but it is really more of a way for me to wind down and relax. Technology is something that I get passionate enough about that I want to work with people and attend events. Since science fiction is a way for me to relax, I’m not really motivated to attend SF&F conferences or events. I’m more motivated to lounge on the couch with a book or a Star Trek rerun.

  15. On OryCon and other conferences like it: As a conference it is more complex than most professional tech conferences and many of their attendees are techies who attend both kinds. As an all-volunteer-run event, they may have many tricks to teach us, and we them. Should different gift-economies work together more, sharing ideas and concepts?
  16. Absolutely! I think we can learn quite a bit from each other, and I am a big fan of sharing ideas across disciplines to make both more successful. It would be interesting to talk to one of the lead organizers for OryCon to learn more about how they organize their volunteer run events and share what we have learned.

  17. Outside of professional and community-building spheres, what is your greatest personal achievement?
  18. I have a really hard time separating my “personal” achievements from my “professional” ones, since technology for me isn’t really a job. It’s a passion, a hobby, and something I spend quite a bit of free time doing. I am fortunate that I can also make a living doing something that I enjoy. I am most proud of what we have built with Legion of Tech, which I do in my free time because I love it, and I would consider that my greatest personal achievement.

    Outside of technology, I have a bunch of small achievements that I’m proud of: I make my own jewelry; I’ve managed to stay in pretty good shape for a 37 year old woman; I’ve never missed my nephew’s birthday (he’s 10 and lives in Ohio); and I make a damn good vegan apple crisp.

  19. Again, away from work, what are a few personal goals, e.g. travel, write a book, etc?
  20. I would love to spend more time traveling for pleasure, especially in locations where I can lay on a warm beach in the shade and read books. I started fulfilling this goal with a trip to Cancun for Thanksgiving last year and trip to Maui with my mom in May. Before last year, my vacations involved big cities or trips to visit family in Ohio, and these two trips were my first beach vacations. I think maybe we’ll hit Jamaica next year.

  21. I see you are a vegan. Is this for health reasons, ethical reasons, habit, etc?
  22. Once I started thinking about what I was really eating, it was all over. I grew up on a farm, and I’ve participated in the entire process, so maybe I had a more intimate knowledge of the origins of my food. It was a gradual process based on when I started getting grossed out by certain foods. I stopped eating hot dogs and red meat in 1987 or 1988, went vegetarian in 1989, and I’ve been vegan since 1995. At this point, it is habit, and I don’t really spend any time thinking about it. I feel healthy and the doctor says that I am doing everything right, so I feel pretty comfortable with my choices. I’m also not a preachy vegan. We all make our choices about how we want to live our lives, and this is the right choice for me, but I’m not going to tell others how to live (or what to eat).

  23. Do you like to get back to nature, and if yes, where do you like to go when you need to recharge.
  24. Absolutely not! I’m allergic to nature (OK, maybe not allergic, but I’m definitely not fond of roughing it). When I relax on a warm beach with a book, I expect to see someone walking around with a cocktail tray and tropical drinks.

  25. Tell us a little more about Sausage the goat.
  26. I don’t think I’ve ever put the Sausage the goat story in print, so this will be a first. As I mentioned earlier, we grew up on a farm where we raised chickens, rabbits, goats and a few other animals. Most of our goats were milk goats, so we kept them around for a while, and they become more like pets. We’d milk them a couple times a day, they would have more babies, and some of them stuck around for years. We also occasionally bought meat goats at a livestock auction in Kidron, OH (Amish country). When my step-dad bought this goat, he told us that her name was Sausage because that’s what she was going to be when he took her to the slaughterhouse in a few weeks, and he didn’t want anyone to get too attached to her. She was a huge goat, and we thought we’d get quite a bit of sausage out of her. On the day of her “appointment”, my step-dad was outside getting the truck ready to take her away, and he heard terrible noises from the barn. He ran over to find her lying down, thrashing around in the pen and making awful noises as if she was in pain. At this point, we thought that she was probably dying from some horrible disease that would make her unfit for sausage and just a huge waste of money. A few minutes later, she gave birth to two healthy kids. I still have no idea how nobody noticed she was pregnant, and Sausage had some very fortunate timing. Anyway, we kept sausage for years as a milk goat, and she bacame more of a pet. She continued to occasionally produce more kids, and we continued to call her Sausage for many years.

It’s not too late for you to participate in the Great Portland Interview Project!

Ignite Portland 4 was Awesome

Wow! We’re never quite sure what to expect with Ignite Portland after the chaos at Ignite Portland 2, but the last two events, including Ignite Portland 4, have been smooth sailing.

The presentations were amazing. We had:

  • a little nudity
  • a sing-along for take me out to the ball game
  • a Kenny Rogers quote used by 2 different speakers
  • cyborgs
  • dating advice
  • garanimals
  • and much, much more

A huge thank you to all of our sponsors. Without sponsors, Legion of Tech could not afford to do free events. The sponsors paid for the venue, event insurance, some food, and more. We also had some really cool, 30 second sponsor videos, which I thought worked much better than having each sponsor talk on stage for 30 seconds.

The only down moment during the event for me was having people boo our sponsors. Not cool, people. The sponsors are the people who make the event possible. Be nice to them if you want to have future events.

A huge thank you to all of the people who volunteered and helped out at the event. Without the support of a huge volunteer staff, we could never make these events happen. Keep in mind that everyone in Legion of Tech and all of the people staffing our events are volunteers. We do this because we love it.

Now, what did you think of Ignite Portland 4? What worked well, and what didn’t? Please post any feedback about the event on the Ignite Portland Open Thread: What Could We Have Done to Make Ignite Portland 4 Better?

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