Tag Archives: federal reserve

Jive Software Moving to Club Fed

Jive finally signed the lease to take over several floors in the Federal Reserve building on 9th and Stark with a move in date happening sometime this summer. The new building has already been nicknamed Club Fed by my fellow Jivers. Right now, we are sitting on top of each other in the current space. We have people at tables pushed up against walls and windows wherever we can find enough space for a computer & chair, so we are really looking forward to having some more room.

The article in the Daily Journal of Commerce had a pretty interesting description of what Jive Software is all about:

The Portland-based company specializes in flexible-source and web-forum software – programs that users can tweak and manipulate to suit their needs, and which are easy to configure with existing operating systems like Firefox. The company’s Clearspace software, for example, helps companies manage the flow of information between members of a team, in much the same way as a wiki.

Despite the minor faux pas of calling Firefox an operating system, the details of the move look good. And you can even see the top of my head in the second cubicle in the tiny picture at the top of the article 🙂